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5 Ways Of Helping Children To Learn A Second Language (Spanish As A Second Language)


According to, Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world. With about 21 countries enlisting Spanish as their official language, learning the same has become imperative for the coming generations.

Language is the most essential tool for survival. Metaphorically, we all know ‘adulting’ is one hell of a warzone, and getting equipped with intellectual tools since childhood will act as a shield in the battle for success.

Why Does Your Child Need A Second Language?

Learning to communicate in a second language helps the child inculcate a mindset of embracing diversity, engaging their brains in productive activities, accelerating their social and emotional development, and exposing them to parallel art and literature.

Several curriculums have been designed especially for children to learn important languages. Furthermore, in this era of globalization, many cultures come into the same ground to interact, expand, and collaborate. Gone are the days of being satisfied in the localized bare-minimum opportunity.

Cultural literacy is another unspoken subject to cover, and by getting exposure to prominent languages, children can explore opportunities in foreign lands.

As the future is unfolded rather than clay molded, children can have a greater grasp on new skills. Hence their innate abilities should not go to waste.

How To Help Them Learn The Language?

Defacto! Or slowly. Even though those children are power-packed rockets of energy, dumping their shoulders with expectations instead of excitement for the future will do no good. Here are some ways you can facilitate their progress:

1. Turn Into A Learner Too

Nothing intrigues a child more than a parent interested in what they are doing. After returning from the tutor, ask for their learning for the day and ask them to teach you what they learned in the Spanish language. This will strengthen the bond between you two and increase your child’s confidence in an attempt to teach you.

2. Make The Teaching Experience An Amalgam Of Music And Dance

Audio-visual tools always make the learning experience a fun task. Look onto platforms like YouTube or Instagram to find fun songs and videos related to the beginners’ guide for the Spanish language.

Checkout this affiliateAmazon CD below with classic songs is Spanish for children.

3. Boost their Spanish Learning with the use of Tablets

We can’t ignore the fact the children love to interact with screens, take advantage of this and use technology to have them learning Spanish! Check out this Spanish -English tablet that helps children learn letters, words, test visual memory skills, build language comprehension and learning abilities.

4. Watch Their Favorite Movies In the Spanish Language

Children love watching action-packed films like Spiderman or Avengers. You can always download or stream the Spanish-language versions of such movies. Not only will you and your child realize that any new language is not merely a translation of the original but conveys the message differently.

5. Invite Or Visit Native Speaker Friends (If Any)

It would be really great to have access to an environment where the Spanish language is spoken accurately. If you have any friends who are natives, do make it a point to invite the family to interact with your child. This will facilitate not only Spanish language interaction but also build good acquaintance.

Happy Learning! Adiós, amigo!



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